There are several class action lawsuits filed against Playtika, Ltd and Playtika Santa Monica (which is based in USA) -  owners of Caesars Casino, Slotomania, WSOP, Bingo Blitz, and House of Fun.  We will give you the highlights and some links so you can read further.

 This April 6, 2018 lawsuit is against Caesars Casino online and is still open - i.e. not settled.

Wilson v. Playtika, Ltd et al

Filed April 6, 2018

The plaintiff, Sean Wilson, filed this lawsuit in the state of Washington in the United States,  a state where online gambling is prohibited.

His lawsuit claims that Playtika, Ltd and Caesars Interactive Entertainment, LLC’s online slot machine games are illegal under Washington state law.

Admin note: What I don't understand is how someone can sue a game on the Internet for being illegal in their state when it is available to the whole world (or places who have Internet). My first question is: if it is illegal in his state, then why can't that game's IP address be blocked by his state officials who regulate the Internet in their state?  My second question is if it is illegal there, and he knows it, then why did he play it?  And my third question is, if it was illegal in his state, and he played it anyway, does that make his lawsuit null and void because he shouldn't have been playing it in the first place!

Back to the lawsuit details: The case explains that Playtika's games of chance offer the user an initial free bundle of 20,000 coins (a starter pack) that can be used to place bets.

Once these coins are gone, which is very quickly, the lawsuit says, users can then buy more coins via in-app micro-transactions —7,500 coins for $2, or 320,000 coins for $50, for instance, depending on which version of the gaming app was downloaded.

Players cannot continue to play without coins. Free coins are given periodically - from one hour to three hours depending on which version was downloaded and user settings and purchase history.  Players are inundated with screens to purchase coins.  They can either exit the application, or wait for free coins to be offered or buy coins with a credit or debit card. 

At the heart of the lawsuit is  Sean Wilson's argument that Playtika's games of chance are disguised as free-to-play games that continuously prompt users to make in-app micro-transaction purchases which they must do to continue to play - if they don't want to wait for timed free credits to be awarded.

In 2014, Playtika generated almost $280 million in revenue.  In 2017 Playtika made more than $3.8 billion, primarily from coin purchases.

According to the complaint, members of this class action lawsuit have legal recourse because the statute in the state of Washington stipulates that any “money lost at gambling” can be recovered for “all persons losing money or anything of value at or on any illegal gambling games" for the amount of money lost or the value of the thing that was lost.

It is not clear if members of the class action have to be Washington residents.

The purchase of virtual credits or items makes these free-to-play casino games more similar to  real gambling. 

Micro-transactions have taken a 'free-to-play player' and changed them into a 'paying player.' Those purchases means this is gambling.

According to one study, those who purchase virtual credits on free to play games spend an average of $78 per week.  

If 5 out of every 100 players make a purchase for $50, a game developer can reap very high revenues for their free to play game.  

You can read more about this lawsuit here:

If you want to get in on a class action lawsuit against Playtika for ANY game, click here:


This is a separate article highlighting Sean Wilson's lawsuit:


Playtika was named as one of four online casinos in this class action lawsuit and you can read that article here:


This lawsuit might shock you when you read the the link provided below. The case is settled and Ohio resident Robert Dupee (PLAINTIFF)  lost against Playtika (DEFENDANTS). The lawsuit specifically says: to include any interested parties.  

There is no reason why Robert Dupee should have lost this lawsuit based on 'semantics.'  

Because several of its games are currently up for sale, Playtika hides poor performing games behind their numerous Playtika corporations. Even though Playtika SM wasn't specifically named in this lawsuit, Playtika used the art of misdirection to point out that they shouldn't be sued because they aren't named on the suit.  

There are 11 Playtika subsidiaries so when challenged about which Playtika corporation owns a game (especially poor performers), Playtika can shift the poor performer over to another Playtika and then inform interest parties that (name of game)  isn't owned and operated by Playtika SM corporation.

That is never more true when every branch of Playtika reaps profits from game income which then gets put in with their operating expenses for another year.


Playtika has been revamping all their subsidiaries since before Caesars was sold. Slotomania is still up for sale with no takers.  

Whatever Playtika corporation is the most solvent at the moment when a buyer looks at Slotomania, is the corporation that Slotomania can be shifted to.  

To say that Playtika SM is not responsible for games listed under Playtika Ltd is just ridiculous. 

When they count up their money, I am sure that Ltd shares revenue with SM for operating expenses.

Each Playtika Corporation owns a chunk of each game but they broke it down so that each subsidiary is only responsible for certain aspects of each game - graphics, sound, 3D, maintenance of slots,  - and not the whole game application.

The issue is whether Plaintiff Dupee has shown that Defendants' Playtika contact in Ohio are sufficient to satisfy Ohio's long-arm statute.

A long arm statute means a company can operate IN a state but they are physically located in a different place.  

Therefore Playtika is operating IN Ohio but is not physically located IN Ohio.   

Plaintiff Dupee asserts:

  •  that Defendants Playtika have proven they own Slotomania by selling virtual coins through Slotomania in the state of Ohio.

  • that the Caesars Acquisition Company Annual Report and Playtika SM's LinkedIn page are adequate evidence to establish that the Defendants control and operate Slotomania. 

  • that Playtika SM represents its control, operation and facilitation of Slotomania online, by listing Slotomania as a Playtika SM product on their LinkedIn page.

  • that the Caesars Acquisition Company Annual Report shows that CIE owns the Slotomania brand and directly profits from the operation of the game. 

Playtika's response:

  •  that personal jurisdiction is improper because Playtika SM does not operate Slotomania, do not conduct any business, or maintain any physical or legal presence in Ohio. 

  • that Slotomania is not operated by Playtika SM but is operated by Playtika Ltd., a separate legal entity located in Israel.  

Defendants point out the first sentence of Slotomania's Terms of Service Agreement which reads, "The Terms of Service you are reading are a legal agreement between Playtika Ltd. and yourself." 

You will be shocked to read some of Playtika's legal team's tactics and the lengths they went to in order to win this lawsuit

You can read about it here:

And that's how they are getting away with winning these lawsuits.

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Sam said...

well for 1 PLAYTIKA is ripping off their players and set their software at very high setting that makes a guarantee loss to any player.They are all rigged just like House Of Fun which I call them House Of Scams because that's all it is they lore people in with very low free coins and the big red signs are their ads everywhere throughout the games pushing coin purchase on their players and their support totally suck with bullshit excuses.These assholes deserve every Lawsuit they get me I would love to see the day they get shutdown because they are thieves and are unfair gaming.They need to go.

Maggie King said...

We agree, Sam. It would be nice to see them get their comeuppance because they've ripped off all 3 of us admins too. It's gotten to the point where we quit playing Caesars and Slotomania. However, we do play Bingo Blitz but that is just as bad with low wins. I am Black Diamond and I worked hard to get there, but I admit I bought a lot on Caesars games to do it. I've learned my lesson and for sure it won't happen again. All I have to do is remember my credit card bills. None of us will ever re-start playing Caesars or Slotomania again. It's been 6 months. Bingo Blitz won't last long with me either because that game is a ripoff too. You can't get even one bingo out of 10-15 games. BB's slots are just as bad. Although we stopped playing Caesars and Slotomania, we still feel we have a lot to offer readers with this and our 21 other blogs and I hope you will stop back often to check out what's new. Our posts are no longer as Playtika related since we stopped playing, and we are posting more about how to be safe online and on Facebook. Thanks for your comment and hope to see your comments again soon.

Liliana said...

I agree I have up to Level 720 in Bingo Blitz and they are too greedy. Always wanting a purchase for the players to purchase more credits. If behind Plastika is a casino, they shouldn’t false advertise this is a free bingo game when Bingo Blitz is run by a casino. I won’t be buying in anymore. Where is the casino control act governing them on fair play. Advertisements that offer support if persons have issues with gambling. Bingo Blitz should advertise how much their yearly revenue is they make from players. I believe they should get audited and results published for all to read. They keep saying Bingo Blitz is a game of chance but that’s not true it’s completely rigged. At least in Real casinos you have odds or returns in slot revenue. I have over 30 yrs experience in Casino and know the odds. Bingo Blitz or Playtika make up their own rules and rip players off blind. About time they get another legal action or get audited on fair play!

John George said...

Hi Liliana, I stopped playing Bingo Blitz because I was frustrated that the few times I got the number I needed for Bingo, it was always the last number that was called and it was so fast that there wasn't enough time to claim the Bingo before they closed the game. I wrote to support and they were very cocky when they answered me, saying "you gotta get faster!" It wasn't just me either, lots of players had the same complaint.

We agree that their games are crooked and they are definitely ripping off players on all their games. Playtika hasn't been sued for Bingo Blitz (at least not lately) but they are actively suing other game developers especially when they use the "Blitz" word on their slots because they feel it is taking traffic away from them.

Go to Google search page and type in "Bingo Blitz Lawsuits" and you will see about a dozen posts but all of them are where Playtika has sued others. I'm glad you aren't buying on Playtika anymore and hope you won't go back to buying. Their games are very addicting. Tell your friends to stop buying too.

Playtika used to have a Complaint Page that players were allow to write to them about issues, but they closed down in 2018 because it was getting too many complaints per hour, maybe their servers couldn't handle it. However, they reopened it again shortly after our Lawsuit post was published on this blog. You can visit the link below to take a look around and read what others were saying. But I especially want to call your attention to the NUMBER OF RESOLVED vs the NUMBER OF UNRESOLVED issues. When the numbers look that bad and they can't resolve player complaints, they have no business posing as "customer support" because they are not offering support at all. They should be ashamed of themselves and those numbers. Here's the link. Thanks for your comment. (If the link doesn't work, it means they took down the page again).