Showing posts with label FREE COINS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FREE COINS. Show all posts


You would think that this Caesars Page that has 5985 LIKES might be the real deal.   It even has 25 of my Caesars friends as LIKES, some of whom are pretty smart players.  So it must be the real deal if they LIKED the Page, right?


This is NOT the official Caesars Casino Fan Page and it is NOT verified by Facebook. 

It is a Page that was made by a Caesars player who added all of his friends when he made the Page. There is an option to check a box to NOT add all your friends, but hey, the object is to get a lot of LIKES so why bother checking that box?  It defeats the purpose of creating a Page. 

When you, as a player, make a Page, you are trying to get a certain name on it that will attract alot of attention, in this case Caesars players. But if you can't get the exact name you want, then you have type the name over and over to monkey around with the spelling, the spacing, and the capitalization until Facebook approves one of them. This Page owner was probably surprised himself when he saw the Page name he picked was available for the taking. 

The reason the name was still available for his Page is because he spelled the game name differently  - Ceasers -  and he is probably hoping you won't notice his error.

This Page is of no consequence because it is inactive. There are no posts on it and the owner probably lost his Facebook account short after creating it. Or he made it and abandoned it.

We are only using that Page as an example.

Our main point is to tell you that anyone can make a Facebook Page and name it anything they want to, as long as the title doesn't sound like it is a hacker name, does not impersonate the real game, isn't sexually suggestive and isn't a name of an organization that can harm the country of origin.

 The Page owner who uses Caesars as his venue has to get creative with the spelling because Playtika Caesars will report it to Facebook to  shut down any Page they deem to be a threat or is masquerading as them.  That's not to say that there aren't Caesars Facebook Pages still in business, because there are.

Now that Playtika has essentially left the building - removing Facebook from their TOS, but keeping a presence with their own Facebook Fan Page and presence in Stompers for monthly coin parties, Playtika has chosen to pick their battles and only picks the ones that can hurt their business. Because that is their bottom line. 

Anything that hits them in their wallet is of concern. What someone names their Facebook Page with their 5,000 friends as LIKES, and has no further activity - they are of little or no consequence to Playtika. 

You will see Page names for Caesars Casino spelled like:

Caesar's Casino
Ceasers Casino
Caesars Casino
Caesarz Cazino
Caezars Casino

If your LIKE is attached to a Page that is not a verified Facebook Page for Caesars, then it is in your best interests to get your LIKE off that Page so you don't jeopardize your future prospects of getting friends and  being approved to join groups.  

When group admins vet a player asking to join their group and when players get a friend request for their games, they both look for the same thing.  

They look for Scam Pages and Scam Groups and if they do see them on someone's LIKES list, they are more inclined to pass them over and not accept them.  It only takes one Scam Page or one Scam Group to attract high profile players to get their LIKE on a Page or their name on the group's member list.  This in turn will attract more players who will assume that the Page or the Group is on the up and up just because that player name is present.

There are only two ways to figure out if a game Page is the real Facebook Page for Caesars and that is:

1) by the little BLUE check mark next to Caesars title on the Page and 

2) by the 6+ million LIKES on it. 

If there's no BLUE check mark on ANY of the Facebook Pages that are on your LIKES list,  then that Page is not the Official Page owned or supported by the game developer. 

It also has no standing when you want to join legitimate groups. As stated, it can work against you when the admins of game groups see it and remove your request to join.  

The reason why is: If someone has too many Scam Pages or Groups on their Facebook account,  then they are a threat to the safety of group's membership. They need to be kept out of the groups at all cost so the rest of the membership doesn't get coerced into LIKING Scam Pages or joining Scam Groups.

Likewise, if someone's account is pristine when they joined a game group, and when several months go by  - maybe they've picked up some Scam Pages or Scam Groups.

Then this player needs to be shown the error of his ways and if he is not willing to remove them from his LIKES, he needs to be removed from the group.

The safety of the membership is paramount.

Group admins - no matter how experienced - are entrusted with keep the group and the members SAFE.  They can't do that if members are going to LIKE Scam Pages and join Scam Groups - usually the ones that promise free coins -- because they will invite the existing group members and then your pristine group is now full of members whose accounts are full of Scams.

What gamers forget to do is ---- UNLIKE the Page or LEAVE the Group.

This post is a reminder to go look at your LIKES LIST and your GROUPS list. 

UNLIKE the Pages that are for your game that are Player Made Pages and LEAVE the Groups that you joined or were added to that promised you 10M free coins for commenting and sharing their posts.

If you are responsible for any of your friends being invited or added to the Scam Groups or who have LIKED the Scam Pages, go remedy that and tell them to do what you are doing.

The only way to clean up player accounts of Scams is for it to start with YOU.  

Pass the advice on 


 share this post to your timeline and tag some of the friends you want to give a gentle nudge to.

This is the OFFICIAL CAESARS PAGE with the blue check mark next to its title, which means Facebook did their end by checking the credentials to make sure they were the real deal.

And then they gave them their blue check mark.

One more thing about having LIKES for game Pages or game oriented LIKES that are not Facebook verified --- We want you to remember that you are giving free advertising to Scam Pages that are on your LIKES list.

 There are some people who have nothing better to do, than troll the LIKES lists of their friends to see what is new that they can take a look at or LIKE. 

They do it because they are bored, they are coin poor, and because they want to see what kind of stuff other people have on their LIKES lists.  

When someone is going through your LIKES, don't be the reason why Scam Pages get more LIKES.

Please go look at your Game Groups and leave the ones that have had no activity for a month or longer. Your groups should be a place to chat and read the group wall. If there's nothing on it, go find a better group.

Go look at your LIKES list.  Any game Page you have LIKED that does not have the BLUE checkmark, please Unlike it. 

There's no need to physically visit the Page to UN-like it. You can do it right from your LIKES list by clicking on the word LIKE and select UNLIKE. 

When the L IKE button is under their name again, you have unliked the Page. Refresh your screen and their name will be gone from your list.

Thank you.



You see advertisements for 'free game coins' all the time, but never does it capture your attention more, than when you are downright coin-poor.  

Their ads scatter the word "Free" everywhere and while there is no monetary outlay, you are giving something away that's valuable.

To get the "free coins" all you need to do is share their Page on your timeline, give the Page your LIKE, and comment with certain words a few times, and for all that, in addition to 'free coins,' you are given a chance to win the latest model Apple iPhone! 

You tell yourself it's a piece of cake, that you can definitely do this.  

Well join the club.  The Scammed club, that is.

Every day there are thousands of Scam Facebook Pages that promise a chance of winning an expensive or hard to get item and all you have to do is follow a few easy steps to qualify. 

An example of the steps are: 

  • LIKE their Facebook Page
  • SHARE their posts numerous times
  • JOIN their Facebook group
  • RECRUIT your friends to LIKE their site 
  • FOLLOW them on social media sites 

The itemized steps should be the first Red Flag telling you that the Page isn't legitimate. Beware of any Page or website that advertises they are giving away cash or expensive prizes just for liking, commenting and sharing their Page.

Believe it or not, there are times when Scam Pages are more active.  During high traffic seasons like Spring Break, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter holidays, these Hoaxes and Scam Pages gain a little more momentum and players start seeing more of them in their sidebars and newsfeeds.

We aren't saying that college kids are the Scammers. 

Quite the opposite.  Many of them are the ones who are being scammed.  That's because they  believe the advertising is truthful when it says completing "a few easy steps" will get the much coveted item for them. 

You may remember a Name Brand Giveaway before you 
remember exactly who is giving it away. Always look to see 
who is sponsoring the contest.  See if they have a 
Facebook Page. Then, go see if your LIKE is on it.

NOTHING is ever 100% FREE.

The Scam Page's goal is to get as many LIKES as they can for their Scam Page.

This is called LIKE FARMING. They get the LIKES by attracting followers through dishonest or manipulative ways. 

Advertising an item that doesn’t exist is typical of Scam Pages.  

The high amount of traffic to the Page makes the Page popular to Google. When users enter the key words "Free Coins"  in searches, the Pages with the most LIKES will be listed in the first 100 results.  Google doesn't care or pay attention to whether it is a Scam Page or a legitimate Page.

LIKE FARMING is one of the most dangerous types of Scams on Facebook because the Scam Page Owner gains access to certain information about you, for example:

- Your IP (Internet Provider) address (reveals your location),

- Your email address (to notify you of new posts, or to confirm your identity),

- Your Facebook login details (there is no reason for you to share this info with anyone)

- Access to your Facebook friends list (it's so they can be recruited to LIKE the Scam Page too),

Following steps on Scam Pages will put you and your friends at risk.


Scam Facebook Pages gather large numbers of LIKES the fastest way possible. 

The Scammers  require that users keep sharing the Page which gets it more publicity, which increases their LIKES and gives them opportunity to scam more victims. 

Once the Page has collected a large number of LIKES, the Page enjoys popularity.  Some Scam Pages want you to click a link to confirm your identity, or to get the offered free coins. 

The link is what you need to be careful of because it gathers information about you, your login and IP address.  

Users are told that an email address is usually required to collect the free coins and to verify a user's identity. 

Before you enter your email address, before you confirm your identity, before you click a link to take you elsewhere -- this is your last chance to turn back, to exit, to untangle yourself from the Scam Page.

The Pages running contests that require users to share a post or tag a few Friends are against Facebook’s Terms of Service for Pages. Given how common these are, and the fact that they are still doing business on Facebook, it's clear that Facebook is not policing them because the Pages are still getting away with running their Scams.  

Besides your private information being known to people who have no business being privy to it,  many of the people who fall for these Scams end up getting Hacked. 

How many times have you seen dozens of SHARES on a hacked account's timeline?

The shares are almost always for Scam Pages.

Experienced Scammers use their Page to front other types of Scams. 

Pages with high numbers of LIKES can be sold on the black market to other Scammers. 

Putting them out of business is easier said than done. They are like rabbits. As soon as one Scam Page is taken down, ten more appear in its place.

The Scam is dangerous because it goes round and round - from you to your friends and to their friends. If you have 5000 friends and some of your friends who shared it also have 5000 friends ..... the Page can enjoy a long life because as long as someone is sharing it, there is no end in sight.