None of the following profiles are Facebook friends. They are all Caesars friends.  How many Red Flags jump out at you from these Caesars profiles?

This person is on your Caesars game list, not Facebook friend. Playtika member 
since 2015 but only on Caesars level 28. He probably plays other Playtika games, 
but before unfriending, send a message to see if he just re-started Caesars or not. 
If not playing, click PINK button, select unfriend, to make room for an active Caesars player.

This person is on your Caesars game friends list,not your Facebook friend. 
He is a longtime (2012) Playtika player, but no game progress. Send a message to see
 if he is still playing. If not, click PINK button, select unfriend to make room for an active Caesars player.

This person is on your Caesars game friends list, a longtime (2012) Playtika player, 
but very little Caesars game progress. The blank profile picture means they have 
abandoned Caesars. Click PINK button and unfriend to make room for an active Caesars player. 

This player is on your game friends list, not Facebook friends list. If she doesn't play Caesars, 
she is taking up a space on your Caesars game list.   Her level 617 was likely from long ago. 
Send a message to see if she is still playing. If not, click PINK button and unfriend to make 
room for an active Caesars player.

In each of the above cases, these are friends who are on your Caesars game list. If they were on your Facebook friends list, that Caesars logo under their picture would have a blue "F".  

When Caesars separated themselves from Facebook, they allowed users to add new Caesars friends inside the game.  This required sending a new friend request which you will see in your gift box.  Most gamers tried to friend only those who they were already Facebook friends with.  But many didn't.  

Now they can't add their Facebook friends because they have so many Caesars friends inside the game who are not Facebook friends.  

There is only one remedy. Sort your in-game list - not your Facebook list.   Chop some heads (we'll show you who and how) so you can get some good gifting friends on your list. 

Because of the limitations, it is important that your game friends list has only players who are actively playing Caesars.

In each of the above cases, the players have little or no challenges completed.   Most have a "member since" date that is a few years old.  This means they have been a PLAYTIKA member for that long and playing Playtika games, but not necessarily Caesars.  

There's no game progress on their Caesars profile because they were playing another Playtika game more than they were playing Caesars. 

If you get gifts from these gamers, keep them on your Caesars game list.

If you don't get gifts from these gamers, send them a message to make sure they no longer play. 

You can politely ask them to block the game on Facebook and to uninstall it from their device, so it takes their name out of the friending pool. 

No doubt they have a lot of friends who are waiting for a gift from them OR the player may have a lot of friend requests sitting in their gift box waiting to be accepted and not know they are there because they never go on Caesars game to see them.  

When you are sure they aren't playing Caesars, unfriend them inside the game by clicking the pink FRIENDS button under their picture to make it grayed out.  The next time you refresh the profile screen, there will be no FRIENDS button under their picture.  

Unfortunately with Caesars, unfriending someone inside the game burns down a bridge so you can never friend them inside the game again. They will have to send you a friend request if they want to refriend.  You can accept only if you are not full up (at the limit.)

Below are some examples. Read the text on each picture.

 The FRIEND button is gone because I already unfriended her. She was a Facebook friend as well, 
so when I learned she wasn't playing any of my games, I unfriended her on FB too.

This is a Facebook friend (blue F) and she was also on my Caesars game friends list when the game first changed over. She's on Level 1, no Caesars game play, but plays other Playtika games that I don't play.  
I unfriended after snapping this picture.

You can't just delete 10 or 20 at a time and think that was enough room to start adding active new friends.   You also can't save it until later to send friend requests.

The reason why is: When we aren't looking, Caesars dumps names on our Caesars game list the minute they see there is room to dump them. They don't care if they are Level 1 or Level 9999.  As long as they still have the app on their LIKES, they are fair game to Casesars.  

Their objective is to use up all your Caesars friends spaces with dead accounts who don't gift, so you can't add any active accounts who do gift. 

An active account has a profile picture and sends gifts.  

If you keep getting a good amount of daily gifts from what looks like an inactive players, keep them.   

Just remember that Caesars fears you won't buy coins from them. It is to Caesars benefit to keep you as friendless and coin-poor as possible so you can't add new friends who will gift you.  With that said, they will take advantage of how long you leave your empty spots.

While it may look like you are making good progress getting rid of dead accounts, and while taking a break looks really good right now, by delaying sending new friend requests, what you are doing is letting Caesars work their way into your account. They use your down time between your work sessions as an opportunity to dump more names back onto your list. 

So do this sorting task at least twice a month or when you have a couple of continuous hours available, so you can unfriend on the game and on Facebook. 

Refresh your gift list.  Usually most of the unfriended names will be gone right away, but if they are still there, close out the game and check back in another hours.  The names will be gone by reset time the next day. 

A Different Case

Not all non-gamers are lower levels.  Pansy Collum died and no one took over her
account to unfriend gamers.  A post to unfriend was posted in our groups
so you can make room for an active player.

Since Pansy Collum died earlier in 2018, and since no one took over her games, it is up to gamers to unfriend her inside the game. They can keep her on Facebook if they wish, but it is best to unfriend inside the game to make room for an active Caesars gamer who gifts.

Once every two weeks or so, go through your Caesars game friends list BEFORE you send your gifts to see if you have any low level accounts or accounts with no profile pictures.  If you try to do it AFTER you send your gifts, there will be no names for you to see.

After you are done with your in-game list, follow through by looking at your Facebook friends list.  If they have no profile picture there too, then unfriend them from your Facebook list too. Their account has been deactivated.

However, if they are still active on Facebook, but not on Caesars, find out if they play any of your other games. If they do, then keep them.  But if they don't, then urge them to block the games so their friends know to unfriend them to make room for an active gamers. 

If this kind of tutorial interests you, let us know and we will post more like this.  Share this post with your Facebook friends so they can enjoy our websites too. Thanks!

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