Some players like to keep lists so they know which games their Facebook friends play.  

Facebook organized their list section so you can make as many lists as you want to, name them, and add friends to each one. You can add them to multiple lists as well.

Facebook lists auto-update. That means when you unfriend someone, their name automatically deletes from any customized lists you made. This eliminates having to remember to remove them from the list when you unfriend them. 

However, if your friend stops playing a game and is still on your Friends List, their name stays on any list until you unfriend them.   

While it is a good system to keep you organized, it is not useful to alert you when someone has quit playing a game.

Today's post will show you two of the easiest ways I know for how to make a gamers list.  

Once you make your first list, you'll find yourself making lists for each of your games, high school friends, real life vs Facebook friends and so on. The possibilities are endless. 

There are two different ways you can make lists on Facebook.


1 - Tap HOME at the top of your Facebook.

1a - At the far left, under EXPLORE, tap FRIEND LISTS.


1b - After you tap FRIEND LISTS, a new screen opens that looks like this picture


1c - Tap CREATE LIST at top right. You will get a popup that looks like this picture so you can name your list.


1d - At LIST NAME, name your list for whatever game you want to make your list and type at least TWO names of players of that game. Then tap CREATE.

1e - You now have a list to work with so you can add the names of your friends.  

1f - If you know the names of a good number of the players of your game, you can type in their names at the far right.   Note: The ADD FRIENDS TO LIST button in the center never works for me, so I don't use it. But if it works for you, you'll know because it will give you a popup showing profile pictures of your friends.  From there, you can tap each face of who you want to put on that list. But like I said, it never works for me.  


1h - You can add as many names as you want by typing their name in the ADD COWORKERS TO THIS LIST block.

But after typing in 200 names, you are going to get tired. 


2 - I think this way is far easier. Choose for yourself.

2a - Starting fresh, go to any name on your friends list, tap FRIENDS button.  You will get a drop-down menu that looks like this picture.  


2b - If you already made your list with the directions in part 1, select ADD TO ANOTHER LIST (as seen in figure 2A).

A new menu comes up with the names of each list. Choose the list you want that person to be added to.

2c - BUT if you did not already create a list with directions in part 1, you can create a new list from this spot.  Tap ADD TO ANOTHER LIST and on the new menu, tap NEW LIST (see figure 2C).   


2d- You will be given a box to name your new list. After you do this, you will be at the same spot as you would have been in part 1 above at figure 1C.  


After you add this particular friend to your newly named list, you are done with that friend. Now, go to another name on your FRIENDS LIST. Tap FRIENDS button, tap ADD TO ANOTHER LIST, then select the name of the list you want to add them to. 

Continue in this manner until you have all your friends added to your specialized lists.   

I am not going to sugar-coat this. Making lists and putting friends on each one takes time.  

If you have over 1000 friends, do 100 or so each day. 

If you have friends who play several of your games, you can add them to multiple lists at one time so you don't have to process each one separately. 

Once you get through about 10 friends, you will see that you can go faster adding them to lists.

TIP: If you do not know who plays each of your games, you will need to go to the game gift section of each game, write down, copy/paste or screenshoot the names of the players and use it as a guide.  

If you are up for handwriting the names, go for it. But I don't do manual work when I can make screenshots or use copy paste.

The reason why some of my lists say EMPTY AND ARCHIVED is because these are games I no longer play - I have no names on those lists.  

They are SMART LISTS which means they can't be deleted.  Every time I clicked on one to see who was on it, I got annoyed because it was a defunct list.  So the easiest way for me to stop clicking on them was to name them so I wouldn't mistake them for active lists.  

When you ARCHIVE a list, it doesn't remove from this section. It stays there. But it does remove from the list choices when you are adding friends.

TIP:  When you send a friend request for a game, so that you don't forget what game you friended them for, select ADD TO A LIST under the ADD FRIENDS button, and put them on a list. If they don't accept you, they won't stay on the list. If they do accept you, you won't have to add them later on. 

If you have any questions, please leave a comment.  

By Cally Russell

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