This post is asking for your opinion about how user-friendly you think our website is because everyone uses a different device when reading on our site - mobile, android, laptop, desktop PC - giving each user a different experience. 

How websites visually look to each user is partly due to the device's settings and partly due to the format choices the site admins use when they are typing the post and putting up pictures. Most websites are mobile friendly unless the admins manually disable mobile view.  Overall, no matter what the size of the site's pictures and text, they are usually adaptable when mobile users tap "mobile view" -which makes it easier to read on the device.

Size doesn't matter much for PC, laptop and desktop users because they have a larger screen and usually more memory in their device. 

But for mobile and android users, size does matter when viewing a website that has big text and pictures.  The text can get cut off at the sides. Their device can slow down or stall when loading big pictures. It can also use up their memory and bandwidth and the device's cache may need to be cleared more often. 

However, there are users who tell us that they aren't able to see everything on the site because the device timed out and didn't load or because the text and pictures were too large and got cut off their screen. 

When admins of our websites are writing posts, each admin chooses the size of text and pictures that they are comfortable with, hoping that it makes it easier for readers to read.


If the text is too small where a reader has to squint to read the text or pictures, or if the text is too big where a reader has to constantly adjust their device settings when they come to our websites,  they might not come back too often. 

The text you have just read is in the Extra Large type that we normally use.  

Alert: This next part has change in text size. 

We are asking you for your opinion.

Make one choice from each of these two examples as to which one is easier for you to read on your device on NORMAL view, without changing your settings  (ex: Zoom, Enlarged view or Full Screen).


Example 1 - Text

Which is easier to see without enhancements? A or B

A. This is in Large type

B. This is in Normal type


Example 2 - Picture

Which is easier to see without enhancements? A or B. Was there one picture that did not fit on your device's screen? 

A - Picture set at Extra large view - does it fit on your screen or does it get cut off?

Choice A

B. Picture set at Normal view

Choice B

Thanks for  your answers,
Maggie, Cally and John
Geek Site Admins

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