Buried deep within every scam, there is a small speck of truth.  Very, very small.

Misinformation about the Facebook Dislike Button got a lot of circulation back in 2014, and again in 2016 and it seems now in 2019, it's stirring up the scammers again.  

The scammers call it a Dislike Button. 

Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is calling it a Downvote Button because he says he doesn't think it is socially valuable and he doesn't want to create a negative environment. 

Downvote vs Dislike - same animal, different genders.

Some people say (and we agree) that he needs to take off the rose colored glasses and read the feedback from Facebook users who faithfully report the gazillion pedophiles and the porn kings and queens who get to stay on Facebook to do their dirty deeds....  That's a topic for another day.

Evidently something was being tested around April 2014 because it prompted a Facebook spokesperson to make this statement:

Click to enlarge for easier reading

So he used the word "downrank" but it still tells the posting party "I don't like it."  

That probably put a pin in Mark Zuckerberg's balloon because in December 2014, Zuckerberg said:

Click to enlarge

Fast forward to January 2019 - 
Judging from the number of messages we are receiving this week in our Messenger Inbox, the Dislike Button Scam is making the rounds again.  

Although experienced Facebook users should be well aware that it is a scam, that's not the case for those users who have been on Facebook for two years or less, because they are falling for this scam -  hook, line and sinker.  

You'll know which one of your friends will fall for it because they have already sent you at least one scammy scheme since you friended them, instructing you to forward it to all your friends.

TO BE CLEAR: As of today, January 22, 2019, there's NO Dislike button that can be added or downloaded to your Facebook account.  It is a Scam.

Please share this post with your Facebook friends so they will get the message that this is a scam and stop spreading the posts on their timeline and by messenger. Thanks!

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